Responsible Coaching Movement
The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) is a call to action for sport organizations, parents and coaches to enact responsible coaching across Canada – on and off the field of play. Established by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, the RCM invites all coaches and sport organizations to learn and apply consistent safety principles. It includes three distinct pillars, each serving to create a sport environment that is Safe, Smart, and Secure.
To reduce risk in sport, the RCM focuses on three key areas to create a sport environment that is safe, smart and secure:
- Rule of Two
- Background Screening
- Ethics Training
By signing the RCM pledge, we are helping ensure the protection of all involved and we encourage all clubs, facilities, tournament organizers and Provincial Associations to do the same.
Rule of Two
We encourage all participants to adhere to the Rule of Two at all times.
For interactions where there is a power imbalance between two people, we strongly recommend open, observable, and justifiable interactions both when meeting in-person or virtually in an effort to foster safety, enhance protection and help reduce vulnerability for all.
We recommend all those participating in the sport learn more about the Rule of Two by taking the free 20 minute Coaching Association of Canada Understanding the Rule of Two eLearning Module.
All Racquetball Canada staff, National Team Training Coaches, International Team Coaches and Team Managers, contracted officials, trainers and therapists are required to complete the Rule of Two eLearning module. We continue to expand the list of those taking the training.
We understand that screening personnel and volunteers is a vital part of providing a Safe Sport environment. Screening has become a common practice among sport organizations that provide programs and services to the community.
Our Screening Policy applies to all individuals whose position is one of trust or authority which may relate to, at a minimum, finances, supervision of Vulnerable Individuals. Those involved with Racquetball Canada will receive information about the screening requirements related to their role(s).
We use several tools for screening and take into account the type of work and the level of contact the person will have with others in determining which of the processes are required. Those in certain positions may be required to complete Background Screening.
Background Screening
Advanced Police Check (E-Pic)
As a partner in the Responsible Coaching Movement, Racquetball Canada members are able to obtain an E-PIC at a discounted rate through Sterling Backcheck.
The provinces of Ontario and British Columbia have some processes and requirements that are different from others. Refer to our Screening Policy for more information if you reside in either of those provinces.
Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)
Individuals may only obtain a VSC by visiting an RCMP office or police station, submitting two pieces of government-issued identification (one of which must have a photo) and completing any required paperwork. Fees may also apply.
Those within Racquetball Canada who have signed on as UCCMS Participants and others who are in a positions of authority or who have contact with athletes are required to complete the Coaching Association of Canada’s Safe Sport Training eLearning module that addresses maltreatment in sport.
Coaching Association of Canada Safe Sport Training
Creating a culture where everyone can thrive is a shared responsibility. Safe Sport Training was developed to help anyone involved in sport — whether you have direct contact with athletes or work in the background — to promote physical, psychological, and social health, in line with the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport.
The UCCMS calls for all sporting environments to be free from physical, sexual and psychological abuse. The Safe Sport Training module aligns with those values. It equips coaches, administrators and others to make decisions that promote athletes’ physical and mental wellbeing and empowers sporting organizations to foster a culture that contributes to athlete success.
Recommended Safe Sport & Ethics Training
Respect in Sport Training
We partner with the Respect Group to provide interactive, online training courses to empower our racquetball community to recognize and prevent bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination. These programs help us keep our sport safe and fun for all.
The Respect in Sport programs are used by many national and provincial sport organizations across Canada and have RESPECT Certified over 1.5 million Canadians to date.
Coaches can gain NCCP professional development credits by completing Respect in Sport courses. Simply opt-in to having the course completion recorded on your Locker transcript at the beginning of the training.
The following video provides more information about the Respect Group and their excellent programs which we’ve highlighted below.
Respect in Sport Activity Leader Program
The Respect in Sport Activity Leader Program educates sport leaders, coaches, officials and participants (14 years and up) to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD). The Respect in Sport program applies to leaders of youth in virtually any activity. The program is delivered through an interactive, online home-study program that is accessible on computers and mobile devices.
We highly recommend this training for those who have completed their CAC Safe Sport Training as it provides in-depth information in a manner that helps participants to learn how to react in a variety of situations.
Members of Racquetball Manitoba and the Saskatchewan Racquetball Association can access the Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders training directly through their provincial associations. Members of the Saskatchewan Racquetball Association can also access the Respect in Sport Program for Parents.
Find more information clicking on the following links:
- Racquetball Manitoba – Respect in Sport Training
- Saskatchewan Racquetball Association – Respect in Sport Training
Respect in Sport for the Workplace Training
Respect in Sport for the Workplace Training was developed to provide organizations with a standard, cost-effective tool to empower your team members, staff and board members with the skills to prevent bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD). It is about improving culture, first and foremost. The secondary benefit is organizational risk and liability management.
All Racquetball Canada staff have participated in the program. Others who would like to access the training can do so through Racquetball Canada.
Respect in Sport for Parents and Stay in the Game
The Respect in Sport Parent Program will help create a more rewarding, safe and respectful environment for everyone. Parents want to do a great job supporting their kids. Respect in Sport provides parents with the tools to create and maintain Safe Sport environments.
The Stay in the Game Program educates young athletes to understand and respond to issues of abuse in sport as well as the benefits of sport, finding their voice, building confidence, safety, safe engagement and sportsmanship. For all the time young athletes put in, they deserve the best sports experience possible!
We recommend these programs for families involved in racquetball. Contact us or your Provincial Association for more information.
Coaching Association of Canada
NCCP Make Ethical Decisions Training
By successfully completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions (MED) training, coaches will be fully equipped to handle ethical situations with confidence and surety. NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training helps coaches identify the legal, ethical, and moral implications of difficult situations that present themselves in the world of team and individual sport.
The NCCP Make Ethical Decisions module can be taken online, in-class and through a home-study workshop. Contact your Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representative. to find out the best option for you.

After you have taken the module, you can access the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation free through The Locker. Successful completion of the evaluation is necessary for coach certification in any NCCP program.
Support Through Sport eLearning Modules
Coaches influence in the lives of youth is well-documented. Coaches are in a unique position to step in and stop parts of sport culture that may contribute to unhealthy relationship behaviour. The Support Through Sport series aims to develop, implement and evaluate an educational program, available in English and French, to assist coaches in recognizing, preventing and addressing gender-based violence and teen dating violence, and to promote healthy relationships in and through sport.
Each module in the series focuses on different important issues surrounding this topic and helps to build the capacity of coaches in promoting healthy relationships in and through sport.
True Sport
Changing the landscape of sport from the ground up, True Sport is a series of programs and initiatives designed to give people, communities and organizations the means by which to leverage the many benefits of good sport from a platform of shared values and principles. True Sport is dedicated to the notion that good sport can make a great difference. We are proud True Sport members and have aligned our values with the the True Sport Principles. We encourage our Provincial Associations and clubs to do the same.
You can find in-depth resources to help embrace ethics in sport from tip sheets, calendars and activity sheets on the True Sport website.
Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC)
The Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC), is Canada’s leader and most trusted partner in advancing sport and physical activity through knowledge and evidence. SIRC’s website provides an excellent collection of blogs and articles from Canada’s most respected sport experts and organizations. Just type “Ethics” into the search bar to access the many resources compiled by SIRC on their website.